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Old Nov 16, 2006, 07:39 PM // 19:39   #1
Wilds Pathfinder
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Default Things I learned to accept while playing GW

1) If you delete your character, it's gone. End of discussuion. It cannot be restored, loot is gone, gold is gone.

2) Your most coveted title can be removed, done away with revamped, etc. Nothing is carved in stone.

3) The stats/damage/abilities of your favorite weapon can be altered, changed, reduced, enchanced at any time with or without warning.

4) Your characters overall power, and or abilities can be enchanced, reduced, their effectiveness, retarded or increased, as the game progresses.

5) Difficulty of missions, the type, value and amount of loot dropped can go up and down without warning.

In otherwords, the GW world and the world of many other MMORPG's is "alive" and "evolving". You are not in control of it, the powers that be are. So it's much like life. Most control is imagined and not real.

If these facts upset you, annoy you and make you angry, then possibly the world of MMORPG's are not for you. Realizing this on my own behalf and accepting it, have made for much better game play. I stopped trying to looot the weapons I wanted, saved up and bought them. It was simpler and now I have what I want. I also realized the game is just that, a game. If I stay and play I accept there will be changes, and I may not like some of them. Then it is my choice to stay or go. Yelling, trolling etc serves no point. The ONLY thing GW and other games understand is low sales. If you do not like how the game is going, do not whine and still buy the next chapter. If you do, your remarks are mute. Speak with your checkbook, not your hate. It's their sandbox, you can stay, or take your toys and go home.

Last edited by Enchanted Warrior; Nov 16, 2006 at 09:41 PM // 21:41..
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 07:55 PM // 19:55   #2
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I'd also like to point out that nothing is constant, so this can only be expected.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 07:56 PM // 19:56   #3
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Unfortunately, people can't seem to understand all that. It's an online world where anything will change for the better or worse. The more flexible you are, the more you're able to cope with inevitable changes. If there are too many changes that you just simply don't like. Then just find a different game. Good post Enchanted.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:04 PM // 20:04   #4
Wilds Pathfinder
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Thanks, I think alot of people are too accustomed to the old PC games (single player) and how it is always the same, you are "in control" as it were. I know that was part of my own issues. In some ways MMORPG's are superior, in some they are not. In some ways I miss the old PC games. But time marches on. I do however treat the game as a product now, and hold the mfr's accountable for it's operation. I expect the same as I do from any purchase.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:29 PM // 20:29   #5
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I don't think there's an absolute right or wrong way of playing (unless we base it by coming up with certain assumptions). But I do feel that OP has made a valid point, at least from one perspective alone. I actually feel there are also many who don't have much issues with the made changes to GW and there's probably a fair number that rather if any changes were to be made, they could be done so to expand gameplay instead.

Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
Then it is my choice to stay or go.
Agreed, the choice is always the players'. But I do think that to a certain extent, ANet does want to know what players think too. Before going, I think it's good to let ANet know what aspects of the game they do not appreciate. Whether ANet finds those information useful or not would be up to them, after all, when players decide to leave, it hardly matters anymore. Whatever the players have left for ANet may serve as food for thought for future development and prospective players.

Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
Yelling, trolling etc serves no point.
Well, yes that would be unneccessary. Not all complaints may be associated to "yelling" though. "Yelling" or not depends on the tone with which the post was presented.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:35 PM // 20:35   #6
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I don't exactly understand this thread. All I really see is a guy complaining with a list.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:45 PM // 20:45   #7
Wilds Pathfinder
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Then you choose to see this as negative, your choice. Others do not.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:47 PM // 20:47   #8
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Sigh... another person who thinks he has to choach the rest of the community.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:50 PM // 20:50   #9
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I don't exactly understand this thread. All I really see is a guy complaining with a list.
Then I'd suggest some reading comprehension courses, because the thread is directed in the opposite direction. The OP is stating simple facts about GW and all other online games. People complain when [x] skill is nerfed, or when [y] build doesn't work as well as it used to. They feel these skills belong to them, which they do not. The OP is stating that people need to back up a bit and accept that GW, and nearly all online games, change as they grow. Learn to adapt, rather than complain.

But I do think that to a certain extent, ANet does want to know what players think too. Before going, I think it's good to let ANet know what aspects of the game they do not appreciate.
Of course they do. A-Net is up there in the list of companies that seem to genuinely care about their fans. However, nearly all fans want something different, so it's up to the devs to try to strike a middle-ground. Make changes that will be accepted by the vast majority of players, and try to offer alternative options to those that don't care for the changes. However, like any company that doesn't want a game to spiral out of control, they have to remain firm and strive for balance. Otherwise skills will be exploited, people will lose interest, and the game will simply die.

Balance isn't an easy thing to achieve, and it's something that's taken for granted by fans of nearly any game. The company always ends up looking like the bad-guy because they messed with a skill that someone happened to like, and never once think about the people on the other end of that exploitation.

Last edited by Shaggeh; Nov 16, 2006 at 08:54 PM // 20:54..
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:54 PM // 20:54   #10
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SNIP! Don't quote the entire op, people.

Im gonna point somthing out..

The deleted character one is pretty right.. but people have been banned permannantly then unbaned because they talked on these forums and anet listened.

Not exactly sure what you mean about titles so i wont comment. but a thread even exists right now asking public opinion on it.

The stats on weapons does change.. but i honestly have never seen a weapon get weaker with a change. In example 10/10 sundering to 20/20.. and that is because a TON of people realized how weak 10 10 was and made it known on these forums.

as for the character himself getting weaker or stronger: I can only assume you are refering to aoe updates and skill updates... and as far as i know many people have been to these forums asking for changes with skills and anet had to listen to them because they complained so much.. i believe one update was extremly popular for that.. but im not sure witch.

as for mission dificulty: thunderhead keep was changed due to the massive ammount of people here complaining about how difficult it was. i belive that was a few months after the time "thunderhell keep" got its nickname. It is now super easy

So while your right that the game changes... .it usually changes because of the very people that you are pretty much telling to shut up..

so in the end if you dont like the fact that forums like this and the people that post genuin concerns in them play a huge part in getting anet to change somthing............... i dont know ummm how did that go......

"then possibly the world of MMORPG's are not for you"

there we go
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 08:58 PM // 20:58   #11
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Originally Posted by Narutoscryed
The stats on weapons does change.. but i honestly have never seen a weapon get weaker with a change.
20/20 Rockmolder
15% Firey Flame Spitter
ANY gold staff with a recharge modifier prior to Nightfall
ANY non-perfect non-inscribable weapon

The list goes on and on...
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 09:01 PM // 21:01   #12
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Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
This made me laugh.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 09:08 PM // 21:08   #13
Wilds Pathfinder
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Jetdoc, I knew that was coming LOL I knew it as soon as I hit submit
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 09:10 PM // 21:10   #14
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Agree totally. The list you described is a good analogy for life in general - it changes. To survive you must "roll with the punches"
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 09:44 PM // 21:44   #15
Wilds Pathfinder
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Narutoscryed, people that can voice their concerns and/or complaints intelligentlly, can make their views heard. Trolls, and those that think yelling etc is the best way, are simply misinformed. As for being banned from here and allowed back, that is up to the GWG staff, not anet.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 10:13 PM // 22:13   #16
Wilds Pathfinder
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Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
As for being banned from here and allowed back, that is up to the GWG staff, not anet.
I'm pretty sure he was talking about people being banned from Guild Wars, not this site, who then came to post here. Although, I suspect they also put in support tickets with ANet and that was the actual catalyst for the unbannings, but I obviously can't say for certain.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 10:53 PM // 22:53   #17
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You forgot to mention one point: Things always seem to balance back out.

Eg: GW: X build gets nerfed, Y build replaces it

Irl: Interest rates change, people chance their spending/borrowing habits
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 11:18 PM // 23:18   #18
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One more thing to note about things people need to learn to accept while playing GW: there are smart players, and there are retards. there are polite people, and there are assholes. you can encounter any type of people in this game.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 11:34 PM // 23:34   #19
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Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
1) If you delete your character, it's gone. End of discussuion. It cannot be restored, loot is gone, gold is gone.

2) Your most coveted title can be removed, done away with revamped, etc. Nothing is carved in stone.

3) The stats/damage/abilities of your favorite weapon can be altered, changed, reduced, enchanced at any time with or without warning.

4) Your characters overall power, and or abilities can be enchanced, reduced, their effectiveness, retarded or increased, as the game progresses.

5) Difficulty of missions, the type, value and amount of loot dropped can go up and down without warning.

In otherwords, the GW world and the world of many other MMORPG's is "alive" and "evolving". You are not in control of it, the powers that be are. So it's much like life. Most control is imagined and not real.

If these facts upset you, annoy you and make you angry, then possibly the world of MMORPG's are not for you. Realizing this on my own behalf and accepting it, have made for much better game play. I stopped trying to looot the weapons I wanted, saved up and bought them. It was simpler and now I have what I want. I also realized the game is just that, a game. If I stay and play I accept there will be changes, and I may not like some of them. Then it is my choice to stay or go. Yelling, trolling etc serves no point. The ONLY thing GW and other games understand is low sales. If you do not like how the game is going, do not whine and still buy the next chapter. If you do, your remarks are mute. Speak with your checkbook, not your hate. It's their sandbox, you can stay, or take your toys and go home.
Words have never been so wise.
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Old Nov 16, 2006, 11:53 PM // 23:53   #20
Wilds Pathfinder
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Thanks for the kind words, I just felt like posting what I had learned, in hopes it might help.. oh man now I sound like an afterschool special.."What I did on my summer vaction.."

Anyway thankie
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